Geovision iPhone Application GV-iView

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  • #30945
    Mike Haldas

    Geovision has released a video surveillance iphone application which supports viewing security cameras connected to a Geovision surveillance DVR remotely. To download the application, open iTunes and search for gv-iview. This support topic has been opened for Geovision users to discuss their experience with the new Geovision iPhone appication.

    Mike Haldas

    CCTV Camera Pros ran some tests today using the following setup instructions provided by Geovision:

    We were unable to get the live view working properly. Although we were able to connect to the remote playback viewer from our iPhone, we could not get the video to actually play. We were only able to pull up playback lists and see a still snapshot of the event. We will continue working on this and we will not complain for now being that this is a beta release of the GV-iView application.

    Please post your experience with using the Geovision iPhone application to this forum topic.

    Here is a link to an article on the beta release:



    I was able to get the liveview working. Make sure you enable the “Mobile” port under the Web section in GV. The image quality isn’t that hot though. Maybe there is an adjustment for it.



    I can access the RPB View but when I attempt to connect to Live View I get “IP/PassWord not correct!!”. I have been able to successfully access the Live View of a demo site.

    I installed the GeoVision Authentication Server from the DVD and created a user but still get the same message. Do I need the Authentication Server to use GV-iView? If not, I will uninstall it because everything else is working fine without it.

    Btw, I get this same error when connected via WiFi on the same network.

    Thanks in advance for any guidance.


    I have same problem. I can use RPB but get ip/password error on live view?


    I was able to get both pieces working. I am able to playback video through RPB. I was getting the same error for Live View, the IP/Password error. I had to disable ssh to get Live View to work. I am still poking around to see if I can get it to work with ssh enabled.

    Mike Haldas


    Thank You for posting. After you are done with your testing, if you could share any information with the group about what you did to get it working properly, that would be much appreciated.




    I’ll try to post my existing settings tonight. I did see a blurb that you needed to be at GeoVision 8.3 so that’s the first thing I did. I upgraded to 8.3.1. I was at 8.2.

    Using Live View I am only seeing about a 2 second delay through Comcast/Internet/AT&T 3G network which is pretty amazing. RPB is also working well. The overall interface could use a bit of work…it’s not exactly intuitive. It took me a couple of minutes to figure out how to change cameras and to go back and forth between Live View and RPB.


    Under the WebCam Server Section here are my settings:

    General:the following are checked

    Enabel Remote Control

    Run ViewLog Server

    Run Bandwidth Control Server


    Run GeoHTTP Server(checked)

    HTTP 80

    Command Port 4550

    Data Port 5550


    Port 8866

    Rpb 5511

    Max Connections 20

    Max FPS 10


    Create JPG/GIF Files (checked)

    Mike Haldas


    Thank You for posting the detailed Geovision iPhone setup information for everyone. Are you accessing on your local area network or remotely over the Internet. If you are accessing remotely over the Internet, can you please let us know which ports you have forwarded in your router to your Geovision PC?

    Thank You.



    I am accessing remotely using port forwarding, not through my own network.

    I already had the standard WebCam ports forwarded:






    And per the instructions for the iPhone app I forwarded:




    OK Guys… Hopefully this helps!

    After being on live chat with an actual Geovision help rep for about an hour both of us were becoming being pretty frustrated. I was getting the ip/password, and connection failed errors when I had everything correct.(Of course you have to update your geovision software, and make sure your ports and options are configured correctly.) I then took it upon myself just to check the shut all systems down option. After starting everything back up it worked like a charm. What a relief!


    I documented exactly how to get this working.

    You're welcome!

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by Mike Haldas.
    • This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by Mike Haldas.

    Hi Guys,

    I got my DVR setup to work with the GV Iview app and it was working briliantly for the last couple of months with a decent live feed.

    Two days ago iTunes released an update for the GV iView app, so I downloaded it. Now the application wont even open!!

    Help anyone?

    Mike Haldas


    Are you still having trouble with the new GV-iView iPhone app?


    This is great site for info.

    I was just wondering if someone could tell me when the GV-iView app says its recording all cameras, where is this recording being stored, and how do I retrieve/delete it. Is it filling up my iPhone storage?



    Mike Haldas


    Thank you for the kind words about the support forum. I am glad that you have found it to be useful. When the GV-iView app displays that all cameras are recording, it is just reporting the current recording state of the Geovision system that you are connecting to. Nothing is being recorded to your iPhone, so you do not have to worry about video using up all of the space on your phone.

    Please let us know if we can help further.




    Thanks for the reply Mike. That was very helpful.




    Hi. I got my new 3GS iphone last week and was happy to see that I can see my cameras live, using this application. Have followed the instructions and after a couple of tries it worked like a dream … And then, I have lost my connection on my home LAN… Even that the router is still one and connected to Internet it is not visible to the rest of the machines at my LAN (no reply when pinged). After reset it worked fine but when I used the GV-iView from iPhone on WI-FI through one of my access points, the connection is lost again…. Any ideas? The only think I have not tried is to apply bandwidth control.

    Mike Haldas


    Are you making sure that the LAN IP address that is assigned to your Geovision PC is static and not changing? Some routers like D-link allow you to assign network devices static IP addresses. You can see how to setup static IP addresses on a D-Link router here:

    I would check this out in your troubleshooting. It is a common thing that happens when power is lost and your router reboots or your router reboots for any reason.


    Thanks Mike. My IP is static on the Geovision PC. And it works fine with everything else. There is a UPS connected to the rack where all the network related items are (router, switch, PC). No power issues, no dynamic IP. And when I use Geovision remotely from the internet it is fine. The problem starts when I use it with iPhone. I will change the router next week and see what happens, but it is rather strange… I have a Linksys router at present.

    Mike Haldas


    Have you upgraded to the very latest version of the Geovision software which is 8.3.2? This was recently released and is the first version to officially support the GV-iView app.


    I upgraded to the latest geovision 8.3 the iPhone app loads but it doesn't show any live feed for the cameras. But the playback works great I see the connected cameras listed and I cand select all the video listed and they playback with no issues


    Hi Mike,

    My company is currently interested into a iPhone app. Would GeoVision be willing to do some custom branding on the software and/or SDK or something in that manner?

    Thank you!



    Mike Haldas


    I doubt that Geovision would do it but you may want to check with AppBurst iPhone app development company. They are CCTV Camera Pros mobile development partners.

    We recently completed development of the iCamViewer which is a FREE surveillance iPhone app that allows you to view up to 8 CCTV or IP cameras. Please click on this link to read more about it and to download it from iTunes:

    Feel free to email me at to discuss the custom iPhone app development further.




    Ok, thanks alot for the links and the info. I will get with my CEO and we will be in contact.


    Got the RPB viewing running great but the live view can not connect. I have all the ports open that i needed and have set up the webcam server tabs up. Any thoughts on what else i may need to do?

    Mike Haldas


    What GV Software are you currently running? I believe there was a problem with the beta version that was on 8.3 software if you are running this software you should upgrade to 8.33

    Thanks James



    My software is Version 8.33, just downloaded last week.


    I am running Geovision 8.33 and GV-iView2.0 on my Apple iTouch. My ISP is blocking port 80 so I am using port 8888 and the default 8866 port for mobile. My firewall is port forwarding correctly because I can access via a remote PC. iView does not work after I changed to port 8888. I thought it only connected on port 8866? It seems like it also needs port 80?

    Is there any way to tell iView to use 8888 and 8866 rather than 80 and 8866?



    Mike Haldas


    Did you change the port from 80 to 8888 in the GeoVision Webcam Server Settings?

    Thanks James


    Hello Mike,first apologize for the bad english.I'm from Bulgaria:) I have Capture Board GV 800 16ch.the software version is GV when update the version on 8.3 on my screen in real time mode,is nothing to display.The name of cameras is visible but no real time picture.The reason to update is my GV-iView iPhone app. how to solve the problem with real time mode on computer?

    Mike Haldas


    Does it work OK if you lower the frame rate? Are you sure that your Geovision card is compatible with the latest software version? You may want to contact Geovision to make sure that your card can support version 8.3. You can contact Geovision at

    Please let us know if we can help further.




    I thought I had everything correct and had missed the JPG check box under the webcam settings. The symptoms were the RPB working but the Liveview showing blank screens.



    I have the application working correctly on my iphone (8gb), I can connect correctly but I can't see Live View, all cameras says VIDEO LOST. On the other hand, when I conect in RPB I can see all the recordings.

    By the way, I also have ssview (Symbian) application running on my Nokia N95, and I do see the cameras Live. I have all ports triggered and forwarded correctly.

    Any ideas? Any help much appreciated!




    can anyone tell me if there is a more effecient method to PTZ our camera's using the manual zoom (vs presets) with GV-iview. Our applications seems to work fine, but it is annoying that the manual ptz controls seem to move only 1-2 degrees each requested change (Even with the ptz speed set up to 4).

    Feedback on this would be appreciated. Let me know how this works for you.




    Gentlemen, First of all I want to thank every one of your posts and inputs on these pages or I would never have been even able to make it to this point, whereever I am.? Could I please ask why ( and I am sure you folks have covered it but like a few folks that wrote above that there minds were exhausted..). Why is that you can input all the data correctly that you have recommended and that works, believe me on my home network. Had it not been for your efforts I would never have got it to look at the cams on this home network. Minus the remote playback. Believe me after all it took me see cameras with your help I am grateful. Now if I could just get it to work outside an away from my home network. I have cut the network on the iphone off to see if that would help. I have changed ips to the wan ip then : and then the local geo ip and even with a port number at the end and it just dont want to hook up. If anyone has time to help an old hippie I would be eternally grateful.

    Mike Haldas


    Thank You for the kind words about our support forum. In order to access a Geovision system from outside of your network, you must make sure that you have port forwarding properly configured. Please take a look at the instructions here for Geovision webcam server remote access:

    Apply the same port forwarding techniques described in that article to the GV-iView setup and you should be all set.

    Please let us know if we can hep further.




    Hello Mike,

    Thanks again for the help, and advice. My kind words above were no blowing smoke. I am grateful for if not for all this I would have never got this far. Still having same issues and besides my own inabilities it just seems like Im missing something easy.

    1. Cant and never have been able to get RPB to work. (neither home network or 3 g.

    2. Can get live playback to do well where one would need it the least,,,,, at home network and not ever 3 g.

    3 Went back through all your suggestions Mike and the port forwards etc and still feel like Im "missing something" (" besides everthing after 1969"kidding)

    Want to believe my inputting of the wan ip etc is wrong for i cant seem to get it to work with different i phone aps that allow cam views.

    Could I please ask for your suggestions again. Thanks so much.


    Mike Haldas


    I am sorry that you are still having trouble. We do offer a service where we can remotely login to your PC and setup the Geovision remote viewing for you. The cost of this service is $39.99 for 30 minutes of remote management. If we can not get it working, we do not charge you.

    Please let us know if you are interested in having us set this up for you.




    Some of the tricks I have found out so far. First is to be sure the ports are forwarded in your router. Second, depending on phone service I had to drop the quality way down in order to get live view to load. You can do this by dropping the jpg to around 10 under the jpg tap in the web server settings. I think the default is 25 and if I have bad reception (low bars on phone) it will never load and then will error out. Third, I generally manually add my forward ports even though the Geovision has upnp in order to config the router itself.

    I was wondering why it needs the http port 80? Is that just for pulling the recorded video?


    Hi there everyone,

    I am having issues with Gv-iView as well on my side…

    Actual issue is : I have access to RPB but no live… I can connect on my cameras, I see the GeoVision logo on each camera slot and, after a while, I get a "Connection Failed" error.

    I tried everything I could, including opening ports on my router, which are :

    86 (instead of 80, but don't worry, my web connection works pretty fine);








    If you wonder why so many ports… it's just that I had older versions of GeoVision not so long ago.

    If you ask "Why port 86 instead of 80?"… well… I have TeamViewer working on this PC as well and since it automatically takes port 80 for itself, I can't use the same port for my GV 8.3.3 system.

    The only thing I think would be the problem, I guess, is that I'm having a Gen4 iPhone.

    Mike Haldas

    Hello caisselirette,

    If you are not using the default port which is 80. In the IP field you have to type in your ip address and then : 86. So it should look like this

    Also if that does not work here are the step by step instruction. Confirm you have all settings correct.



    Greetings JCHaldas,

    I did input port informations as 86 in my link (example : but still… it doesn't work and I confirm that I followed all the steps in

    Sorry for the delay, I though I'd had an email to warn me I had an answer.


    I am running GV-iView with no problems.

    In your Geovision DVR port settings you can change your HTTP port, if your ISP does not support port 80. Change it to some thing like port 89. Leave all other ports how they are.

    In your firewall you will need to port forward your HTTP port(80), Mobile port(8866), Mobile RPB port(5511), Command port(4550), Data port(5550). Forward all to your DVR's IP address.

    On your phone. On ip you will put in your domain or ip address followed with :80 or what your set your HTTP port to i.e.( Leave port to 8866. Fill in your user name and password and you should be good to go.


    i have the version and Gv-iView 2.

    if connect to live feed i get only the camera information and blank screen. The RBP View is working.

    I have iphone 4 with version 4.1

    I notice none says the firmware and the device in this Topic!!!


    take screenshot img0002s.png


    I have had v2 of gv iview working for a while both on live view and rpb. The other day I added a new camera to the system but it does not show up in live view, it is the same as before I added it, in rpb I can view it, on standard web client I can view it, does any one have any ideas?


    Ill answer my own question, I have multiple accounts on my system and it was a privaledge issue, used another account and there was the extra camera, so at least I know what to look at!


    I have been using the iview program for over a year now and it works great, but yesterday I noticed that my iphone 4 running iview 2.0 will not connect to live view or rpb view on 3g, it works fine over wifi but not 3g. all other internet traffic is working fine on the phone. Any suggestions?

    Mike Haldas


    Is it only working on WIFI at the location where the Geovision surveillance recorder is located?

    If so then, you need to make sure to setup port forwarding and that you are using the IP address of the Internet connection where the Geovision system is located. You can find more info on port forwarding your surveillance system here:

    I hope this helps.




    ON the Gv-Iview App , what is the port # I should be using to Login? 80?

    Mike Haldas


    The port you should be using is 8866 for live viewing & 5511 for Playback



    I am trying to get a previously working iphone 3g to view the camera's with gv iview, the only thing that is changed is there was a new version of software down loaded onto the computer at the site , don't know the software version but it is about 6 months old, the new version was installed last week.

    I tried to download newest version of gv view to iphone 3g but it will not download onto the version of software onto the iphone.

    I have another 4g iphone version 4.1 with GV view version

    2.1.1 that connects fine

    I know I have to update software in 3g iphone to latest available.

    Is there an incompatability issue with old version GV view and new version of computer surveilance program ( sorry I don't have the version numbers in front of me for the computer surveilance program).


    Hello Mike,first apologize for my bad english. I'm from Indonesia. I have 2 DVRs system server each running with Capture Board GV-1480A 16ch.the software version is GV 8.3.4 installed on my both DRV servers. all i need to know. is it possible to view my DVR system remotely from external network 1 by 1 from my ipad?. is there any standard port i have to change on my 2 dvr server, so each time when i want to connect to server "A" or server "B" i just need to change the port/ip column at the iview app from my ipad. and what port should i need to forward in my router? which one is better, is it changing the "http standard port:80" or the "mobile standard port:8866"? thanks before.

    Best regards


    Mike Haldas

    Hello Mintz,

    Yes what you are trying to do is possible. You will need to change the mobile ports. You can keep DVR A at the default 8866(Live) and 5511(Playback). For DVR B you can change the mobile ports to say 8080(Live) and 5512(Playback).

    I hope this helps.

    Thanks James


    Please HELPPPPP

    – There are only black screens and no camera view

    Its working on the PC so the cams are working 100% but I cant see them on the GV-iView 2.0 App

    RPB View is working but not the Live View =(

    Anybody knows, what the problem is ?

    Mike Haldas


    What version are you running on your GV system?



    I have same issue, but my application quits after showing the black screen.

    RPB works okay

    My GV version:8.33

    Mike Haldas

    I have the system working well except for one minor issue. I have renamed all the cameras on the GV server, but they still come up as camera 1, camera 2, etc in iView. Is there a way to have the camera names transfer to the phone as well? It's software version 8.3.1 on the server

    Mike Haldas

    Hello Aaron,

    Unfortunately it does not stream the camera names on the app. Please let me know if you have any questions.



    I run 3 retail stores all equiped with a camera system connected to the internet.

    I have iview 2.0 on my Iphone and I can see all camera's in the stores , store by store.

    Is there a way to see 1 camera of the 3 different stores in 1 view on 1 page ?




    I am running a Geo-Vision System Version 8.4 with iview software on an iphone, I keep getting the ip/password error.

    I have tried all the port settings and double checked everything but it still won't work.

    Any Ideas


    Mike Haldas


    Are you using a user account that has the privilege setup to be able to view the cameras remotely. If so check and make sure you are using the correct password.

    Also what ports have you forwarded?

    Thanks James


    I just upgraded my Iphone to the iphone4 and now I can not get my gv-iview to work. It does work when on the wifi of the dvr system but not on the 3G. I know it has something to do with port forwarding but no ports were changed from when it used to work. Can someone help or just ideas. Thanks.


    I have two customers that have the same trouble of the gv-iview working on DVR wifi but not on the 3G. It has worked for 9 months. They say it started 3 days ago. Have checked the port forwarding on both, nothing has changed. Both have the same ISP. Thanks!


    When I am on the same WIFI of the network that my GV800 is on, the iPhone app works and so does the web remote view.

    When I do not use the network WIFI or any other connection, neither works.

    Any suggestions?

    Mike Haldas

    Hey Guys,

    Follow these instructions and make sure all your settings are configured correctly.

    Please let me know if you have any questions




    I followed those directions to a "t".

    RemoteView and the iPhone app still only works when I am on the WIFI on the network. It does not work when I am not.

    If we cannot get this to work, who and/or how would we contact about setting up the remote connection to get us fix our settings to get it to work on remote view and on iphone app…obviously when not on the same network but at home or wherever…



    btw on the DNS, I have used the router one alone, the geovision one alone, and both together…..nada works….

    Mike Haldas

    Hey jomma5,

    Are you sure the ports are opened? You can use this tool to make sure

    If your ports are reading closed and you have DSL you will have to give them a call and have them bridge the modem they provided to the 3rd Party Linksys router.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Thanks James


    that is showing the ports are closed…hmmmm

    im guessing thats why i can see/view the cameras on another computer in the network or an iphone connected to the wifi….because its on the same router and no ports need to be opened for that?

    i will call at&t dsl now…thanks again!


    jchaldas you are the man!!

    followed directions i found online and poof, it works!!

    iphone works fine, but the webcamserver doesn't seem to want to work well..

    when i click "live view" it brings up the options for 1 windows, 2 windows, multicast, and jpgeg image viewer

    jpeg image viewer is the only thing that works, but obviously the image quality is horrible and grainy…

    when i do the 1 window and such, i get the no permission to download ocx etc…

    but when i click "play" for 1 window or however many, it does not work….only can see streaming view on the jpeg image viewer…

    any suggestions for that?

    again thanks a BUNCH!!! you guys are awesome

    Mike Haldas

    Hey Jomma5,

    Try downloading the Multiview Client software

    Please let me know if you are still having issues.

    Thanks James


    Hello everyone. I have a geovision dvr connected to my home network and I can access it just fine from my iphone 4 , with the gv-iview app. when i try to use the app on my iphone outside my network using at&t 3g, i can only get the recorded view portion to work. When i select the live view (dvr) using the required same ip address it starts to go to the six camera split screen page, but it is all black and only shows dvr and record button for a breif moment then it crashes and the app clodes completly. I have all the required ports open, 8866. 80, 5511, etc. I have checked them using the open port tool. The only thing that seems wierd is I cant port forward port 80 to my netgear router. It says it is already being us by other configurations. But the port checker tool says its open. And like i said the app does work with recorded view, just not live view. The geovision capture card is 1480 ver. 8.3.4, and my iphone app is Gv-iView v2.1.1. Do you know how to correct this problem. I see it over and over again on support forumns and I have tried many of the tips I found on the forumns. Let me know if you have a solution. Thanks

    Mike Haldas

    Hey Dav,

    Are you sure the ports are opened? You can use this tool to make sure

    You will need to make sure the following ports are open.






    I hope this helps.

    Thanks James


    Thanks JcHaldas, your entry forced me to look at the 8866 port, I was entering 8886. Don't know how i missed it all this time. The app works great. My next plan is to get 1 ptz cam hooked up.


    I am wondering, is the Geovision Webcam Servor an application that I could use anywhere i can get to a webroser. Or does it require special software downloaded to the computer with that I want to remote access my home geovision dvr. I do some traveling, and sometimes I don't bring my laptop, but I do run accross some free wifi internet cafe. I have a static ip and the geovision 1480 card. Currently I use a hamachi application that is on both my geovision based dvr and my laptop I take to work. I'm just thinking since I now have a static I could just type the ip/port in the brouser and apply the username and password to access it anywhere in the world. Is this right? Anyone have a link for directions.?

    Mike Haldas


    That is correct you can use the webcam server anywhere in the world as long as you have internet connectivity. If you want to connect via a web browser you will need to use Internet Explorer. You need to type in your ip address in the URL. Once you log in you will need to install the active X controls.

    You can also use the GeaVision Remote Client software which can be downloaded here

    Please let me know if you have any questions.


    I am trying out the iPhone GV-iView app and can see the Live View fine, but when I try using the RPB videos, all it shows me is a quickly flickering image (a video which is just a quick succession of green and blue frames – headache inducing).

    I am using it on the local network to rule out any port forwarding issues. I can see the list of recordings (motion events) but clicking any of them just brings up flickering green/blue image. What could be the problem?


    I'm going to answer my own question: RPB issue is fixed with a patch to the server. Quote from the recent change log to the iPhone app:

    3. Fixed GV-IView v2.1 can not playback(RPB) video file from V8.4.0.0 DVR/NVR (should update a patch file from to NVR/DVR folder)

    So just download the aforementioned file, unzip and put the contents into wherever you installed Geovision software. Completely close Geovision app on the PC and start it again.

    Mike Haldas


    Thanks for posting that fix!


    I cannot get my iphone to connect to my geo vision webcam server. I am using gv-iview 2.11 application on my iphone 4 and geo 8.4 software for my geo vision 650 camera server. Whenever I try to connect I keep getting connection failed. I already setup forwarding for the ports for the geo vision on the router and configured the geo vision webcam server. I did exaclty what the manual told me. I even ran the update patch for the geo vision 650 8.4. I contiune to get a Connection Failed everytime that I try to connect on the Live View. Can you please help me get this connected?


    Estou tendo problemas com o VG-iView bem do meu lado …

    Questo real : eu tenho acesso a RPB, mas no ao vivo … Eu posso ligar no meu cmeras, vejo o logotipo GeoVision em cada slot de cmera e, depois de um tempo, eu recebo um "Connection Failed" erro.

    Eu tentei tudo que podia, incluindo a abertura de portas no meu router, que so:


    havin some trouble here. i have all the requirements but when i go into the jpg tab i cannot select create jpeg. whats wrong? btw i have v8.3.4 and gv600

    Mike Haldas

    Hello pbmaster2k89,

    Try Disabling the Enhanced Network Security. To do so please follow the below instructions.

    1.)Click the network button and then select WebCam Server.

    2.) On the General Tab make sure the Enhanced Network Security is disabled.

    3.) Save settings.

    Now you should be able to enable the JPG/GIF.

    Thanks James


    thanks JC that helped but i still cant get this to work. ill type out everything i did.

    1. my REMOTE address is for example (not real) 68.222.888.999

    2. my ip address is for example (not real)

    3. in linksys i used 80 to 80 both enabled

    and then repeat for port 4550, 5550, 8866, and 5511

    4. i checked all my ports with the port test tool provided and im being told every port is closed

    5. on the mobile tab in server setup i have that checked and my port is 8866 and then the rpb port is 5511, max connection 20, max fps 30

    6. jpg tab is set to create jpeg/gif file with quality at 100

    7. on my device i have https off, ip set to my Ip address, port set to 8866 then my id and password to geovision

    8. i didnt touch the remote authentication cause i was told not too.

    what am i doing wrong here? btw i have a linksys router


    oh and another thing. im trying to get this to work on an itouch 4, not an iphone. shouldn't it not matter since its the same app?

    Mike Haldas


    Are you using DSL or Cable for ISP? Also is your ISP providing you with a standard modem or is it a gateway? The difference between the two A modem will have one input and one output. A Gateway will have 4 inputs and 1 output.

    Please advise.

    Thanks James


    i am using CABLE and i have a MODEM along with my Wireless N linksys router

    Mike Haldas


    In the router do you have the options between single port forwarding and port range forwarding. If so make sure you are using the single port forwarding.

    If that does not work. Make sure the ISP is not blocking any ports. Usually cable providers do not unless you have one of their business gateways. If you have a business gateway then you will need to have them bridge the gateway to the router.

    Thanks James


    ok, i tried all that and my ports are still closed. i know for a fact i have just a MODEM, what about port range triggering? do i have to do that too?

    Mike Haldas


    If you have the options for single port forwarding use this method. If not use port range forwarding.

    Thanks James


    nothings workin so i guess thats a fail


    Well we can view the DVR cams remotely using DMMultiView so I dont think its the firewall. I called my DVR provider and they say that we dont have the very latest version of GeoVision installed and thats why it doesnt work. Please help me out!!

    Mike Haldas


    You can submit for the latest version of software here

    Thanks James


    HEY guys JUST a helpful reminder to get all the remote and video PORTS to work.Even if you open the ports on your router they will still show blocked,What you have to do is go to server tab or mobile tab in GEOVISION and check the box that opens the port.This drove me crazy because when you go to it says BLOCKED until the box is checked.I Promise you this is 99.9999% of everyones problem…also you can go to virtual server if you are having port conflicts with your router uncheck the port option and then go to your regular router ports and make sure they arent the same….


    In plain english,Geovision mysteriously opens the MOBILE port 8866 3650,ETC When you check the tabs in web server.GO to http://www.CANYOUSEEME.ORG this is a port check tool this will show you that what i said is true….GET ready to say awww you cant be serious…..


    TO PB master im not sure youre doing this but on the GEOVISON program click the network icon click webserver tab if its a check mark by it it will take you back out so click it again and it will take you into webserver and jpeg and moblie port tabs options. make sure those options are checked,open those exact ports on your router,then go to type the ports you opened on your router and it will say success.IF it says success and you still cant see in its a firewall up somewhere TURN IT OFF….


    Very last thing if youre not using GEOVISION 8.4 thats for sure the problem.


    srry ive been very busy and couldnt reply quick enough. i finally have my I-view working but i still have an issue

    i cant view my live feed away from home on my iphone. i can only view it on my wifi network. i get the "connection failed" message



    I've got a question about the app – i've got a restaurant, which is open 24/7 – therefore this app is great to check the cameras for safety reasons.

    I don't want, that my employees have the feeling to be observed – do they notice on the desktop-computer, that i'm logged in via iView?

    Thanks for any help!!




    I've got a question about the app – i've got a restaurant, which is open 24/7 – therefore this app is great to check the cameras for safety reasons.

    I don't want, that my employees have the feeling to be observed – do they notice on the desktop-computer, that i'm logged in via iView?

    Thanks for any help!!



    @zanerie….to answer ur question, your employees will have no clue that u are watching the cameras. The only thing that shows up in the status bar is "web" and "ccs" which tells u that ur cameras are accessible from ur phone or other device. There isnt a way for them to know if u are logged onto ur phone or logged out.

    Btw check out my post above urs plz. Maybe u can help


    I have GV 8.4 and GV-iView 2.1.3 on an iPhone 3G with OS 5. I have used GV-iView successfully before, but it was with an older OS and older GV-iView version, and I have since changed my ISP as well.

    I have a router with the following ports forwarded to my GV server: 80, 8010, 8866, 5511.

    I have not forwarded ports 4550 and 5550, but I think those are only for PTZ control? Do I still need to forward those as well?

    I can access everything in GV-iView if I go through the local network, with the exception that in RPB View, when I play a video, the video area just flickers. While that's a problem, it's not really the problem I am trying to solve.

    When I access through the Internet, I always get a connection failed message with DVR. I can access RPB without any problems, though again I get the flicker when I try to play a video. I tried using default port 80 as well as using alternate port 8010 with the same results.

    What would cause DVR to fail but RPB to work? Maybe I already answered my own question. Going to try forwarded the PTZ ports, even though I don't have a PTZ camera, and see what that does…


    Yep, I answered my own question. But maybe having my post on here will help someone else. Indeed, the PTZ control ports 4550 and 5550 must be forwarded through the router (in addition to the other ports) in order to get the DVR window in GV-iView to connect successfully, even when you do not have a PTZ camera.


    Hello everyone!!

    Usually i can't get connected the iphone with the DVR, show me message "Connection Failed" and sometimes I get the connection with the DVR.

    Note:I have observed that if there is no connection, I have to open – close – open the WebCam Server to connect immediately.

    What is the problem?

    My Software is:

    Geovision 8.4

    GV-iview v2.1.3

    Open ports: 8866,5511,4550,5550,80,10000,6550

    Thnks fot the assistance!!!!!… 🙁


    How do i activate 3g live view. I think thats y i cant view my cams when im not connected to my wifi


    Hey Guys first of all i would like to thank you to all of you because with all your help i already have my geovision and gv-iview working perfect. I just have one inconvenient, i have 16 cameras in total but in the iphone i can see just 14 why is that? In my geovision shows the 16 cameras why isn't showing all of them?


    Mike Haldas


    Please check the privileges for the account you are logging in with via ipphone. To do this you will need to go to configure > system configure > password setup > local account edit.

    Make sure under the privileges you have all of the cameras checked.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Mike Haldas


    Are asking how to enable 3g on your mobile phone?

    Please advise.

    Mike Haldas


    I would recommend upgrading the system to 8.5.3 which is the most current version of GeoVision. You can request here

    NOTE: GeoVision is pretty slow about getting the upgrade sent out. They have a live chat on their web page, if you provide the representative with the serial # of the card they will send you over a link.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.



    Thnks for the info.



    Yes please help me, i can only get this to work when im on my wifi. I cant use the i-view when im in 3g

    Mike Haldas


    Have you forwarded the mobile ports? Http port – 80 (by default), Mobile Live View – 8866 and Mobile Playback – 5511

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Thanks James


    Yes, i have under port range forwarding in linksys router setup 8866 to 8866….5511 to 5511….80 to 80…..protocol is TCP for everything…. My ip address is in….and everything is enables. My ip for my computer is…i have that in my router settings and on my iphone iview settings.

    Do i need to turn http on in the iview? Do i need to set a static ip or dns?

    Mike Haldas


    You will want to make sure that https is disabled in the app. Also can you check to make sure the ports are showing open using our port check tool?

    Please advise.

    Thanks James


    Evening All

    Just a quick query regarding a geovison DVR I bought here in Aus about 2 years ago. I purchased the unit in Jul 2010 and it had a GV-900 card running v6.5 software. I was using a nokia phone at the time and so remote viewing was clunky yet functional by using ssview.

    Having since changed to an Iphone I am starting to realise that remote viewing isnt possible. I cant seem to upgrade to a 8.x version required for iphone remote viewing and the only SSview app in the istore appears to have disappeared now as well?

    Does anyone please have a workaround or an aftermarket solution, vendors response was buy a new card, not real helpful. I suspect I was sold a really old card as this was purchased new only 2 years ago.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!


    JCHaldas thanks! You are the man!!! I try to open the app with the Administrator account and now i'm able to see all the cameras

    Mike Haldas

    Albert from Australia,

    6.5 was released in 2004 maybe even a bit earlier. I would recommend upgrading the system to 8.5.3 which is the most current version of GeoVision. You can request here

    NOTE: GeoVision is pretty slow about getting the upgrade sent out. They have a live chat on their web page, if you provide the representative with the serial # of the card they will send you over a link.

    Once updated you can view your cameras via the GV-iView

    I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions.



    8866 and 5511 are open but port 80 is closed even though i have it forwarded. 80 to 80…my ip address…TCP…enabled


    JChaldas, do u have a way we can chat? Im still tryin to get this workin


    Im cant access via IPAD live videos from geovision 8.5, I can access log videos, but not live videos, I can see blue squares and after that the conection fail. It by intranet, without pass through router.


    Good day


    Is it possible to listen to audio from certain cells through a program installed on Iphone?


    I am able to access live video and RPB from my iPhone/iPad. However, after a week, I start getting a connection error Too many users that blocks access until I restart the server. I am aware that there is a maximum connections setting that is set to 20 on my setup. I am the only user and accessing the service from two devices (iPhone and iPad). So the question is why do I get the too many connections error, are there connections that are left open and dont close. Should I get the maximum connections to a very high number or this is a problem with the iPhone app. I am using Geovision 8.5.3, and the latest GS-iView app.

    Thanks in advance for any feedback.


    Hi, i have installed GS-Iview on iphone and works great.

    On Ipad2, i don't see anything. The apps give me a "IP/Password not correct". I'm sure that the IP and password are right because if I replace the IP with the local ip the connection works.

    On the firewall i have opened the ports 80(redirect),8866,5511,4550,5550,6550,443…

    The strange things is that on the IPhone works, on Ipad2 (last firmware update @ today) with same conf the apps don't works. Why?

    Can I use another apps to see the cams?


    Hallo Freunde,

    Seit ich 32 Kameras laufen lasse habe ich immer wieder sporadische Ausflle vom iPad und iPhone aus. Mal 3 mal 8 mal 1 Stunde. Schaltet selber aus und ein. Keine Ahnung mehr. Aber auf Port 80 luft es stabil. Bis Cam 24 alles gut Bitte Hilfe


    Does anyone know if the app will work with iOS 6?


    Hi all,

    Im in need of some help. I have gv-800 16 ch card v6.1, now I'm able to view this thing remotely with the multiview remote software but not online via IE. Also cant view on iphone. I have all the ports foward correctly. Any help would be appricated. Thanks!

    Mike Haldas


    I just tested the GV-iView iPhone app with the GV system that we have at the office on my iPhone 4 with the iOS 6 upgrade and it looks good.


    Mike Haldas

    Hello thedumbster,

    Version 6.1 is very old. If you update the software this should fix your isssues.

    You can request here for the upgrade software

    NOTE: GeoVision is pretty slow about getting the upgrade sent out. They have a live chat on their web page, if you provide the representative with the serial # of the card they will send you over a link.

    Once updated you can view your cameras via the GV-iView

    I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Thanks James


    hi , i was trying to view my cameras throw my i phone and it keep saying ( warning RPB conection error ! ) does any body knows why or how to do this please . thank you


    what are the steps to do on the system it self and the i phone id really appreciated for the help


    i need your help please


    Hi All:

    I have the same problem as Jim788e above. I can connect butdo not see anything on the ipad. I am using gv-8.4 version.

    I could se all cameras from my laptop when connected throgh the internet. My ports are set correctly.

    any suggestions.

    My best


    Mike Haldas

    Hello nasibkalsi,

    Please make sure you have "Create JPEG / GIF Files" enabled. Please refer to step 3 on the following link —

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Thanks James


    I have GV Iview loaded on my Iphone 5 but it freezes after about every 15 seconds does anyone know why and is there anything I can do to fix it please?




    Hi, I just finished installing a Geovision system in my home, and I'm trying to get the iPhone app working.

    My problem is that the system requires port 80 to be forwarded, in addition to others specific to the mobile app. I already have port 80 forwarded to another server on my network.

    I was able to get remote web access via a computer browser working by forwarding port 8080, but I don't see a way to change that setting in the iPhone app.

    Am I out of luck?


    Mike Haldas

    Hello Packrat,

    In the iPhone app you will simply put a :8080 after the IP address / hostname.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Thanks James


    Hello Jim and all,

    I am having odd trouble with version 1.2.1 on three iPhone 4 devices, running on Verizon 3G cell phone / data network. Radio signals are strong and data connection is very good.

    Loaded 1.2.1 onto two iPhone 4 phones. Worked fine for about 3 hours in the same location (strong signals, good data connection). Then the camera images stopped updating, only frozen camera images remained. Deleted and reinstalled 1.2.1 but that did not help.

    Loaded Android version onto two different models of Motorola Android 4G phones also on Verizon network. Working fine for many days, no problems.

    Then tested one of the iPhones with a nearby wi-fi router. 1.2.1 worked fine using a wi-fi signal, but not the cell phone data signals.

    Android phones still work fine with either the cell phone signal or the wi-fi signal.

    Verizon claims they are neutral, and their network is not stopping any data. I think they are right, since the app did work briefly on two iPhones, and still works fine on Android using the same ports, etc.

    And finally, remote viewing using desktop or laptop computers & GV viewing app is working just fine.

    Any suggestions about this odd problem are most welcome.

    Thanks to all, pixel


    @JC: Thanks!

    It was just that simple.


    Hi all.

    I'm desperate for help.

    I use gv iview, which worked fine, then one of the cameras broke so I deactivated the camera on the "server" until it was replaced, when I reactivated it that camera returned in every software except iview (just not showing up like not even exists), I have no idea what to do about it. Please help.

    Thank You!

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