Zavio F3115 Sound issue

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  • #32791

    I have been having a couple of issues with my F3115 camera and its audio signal. First, I am connected to the camera via WiFi. To view the camera, I’ve used Internet Explorer in Win7, WinXp, and an IP camera viewer app on my Android phone. I’ve also used the CamGraba software in Win7, downloaded 2 weeks ago with the latest device drivers.

    1) Often the sound will cut out in internet explorer. This happens more frequently on my wife’s Sony Vaio laptop, which appears to have video card issues. My WinXp desktop and Dell Latitude (Win7) laptop fare better, but occasionally do drop audio. When this happens, I have to reset the camera. Sometimes, if it drops on one system, and I check it in another, it is also dropped on that system… Not sure why that is the case. Sometimes IE will also refresh the page, forcing me to re-click the audio button. Other times, the audio will not come back. I’ve sort of chalked this up to Internet Explorer not really being able to handle the http stream that well, and not being the greatest monitoring software unless there is plenty of memory available for video streaming.

    2) To try to get the camera on to work on my wife’s laptop, I installed the CamGraba software. For the life of me, I cannot get the audio to work on the main console. However, if I go into the camera settings and go to “Stream Profile,” the audio will play. To make the software work for us, I have to do this every time and then hit “real size” to get a good sized picture. Since it’s the Sony Vaio, it occasionally drops the audio and I have to log back in via IE and reset the camera. Nonetheless, using the CamGraba software tends to work the best on her computer. Now, how do I get the audio to work on the main screen? When I look at the settings screen, under audio preview it says something like N/A, and enable audio is checked. I also don’t see the enable talk function on the right-click submenu (main console). What am I missing here?

    Overall, we’ve been pleased with the camera, we just wish the audio worked more consistently. Any suggestions?


    Hello TerminalMan,

    In regards to issue 1. Typically the audio cutting in and out is related to bandwidth. Please try lowering the cameras resolution to see if this helps the audio break. You can also try lowing the frame rate.

    Moving onto your 2nd question, open the Camgraba software go to Config > Setting > System Setting > Make sure Audio on Active channel is enabled.

    If you would like the audio to be recorded you will go into the schedule menu and select the camera that you would like to record audio with and select the configure button > Make sure record audio is checked.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Thank You


    I checked the camera settings, and in the General tab of System Settings, I have “Enable Audio on Active Channel” checked, but what’s odd is that the Default Channel says “(Not Used)”. Maybe that’s because I only have one camera? When I look at the Camera Settings (right click in the main console), the Audio section is grayed out. Also, when I go to the camera tab of the settings menu, then hit the config button at the top to setup the camera, down at the bottom in Description, it gives the Audio Codec as N/A. Strange, but what’s really strange as I mentioned in my original post is that if I go to the Stream Profile Setting for the camera, I can hear the sound. Do I need to have something else checked somewhere that I’m missing?

    I haven’t tried reducing the resolution on the camera yet, but will try it soon.

    Thanks for your help, James.


    If you have not done so already I would try upgrading the Firmware of the camera —

    Thank You


    Hi James,

    According to the camera, I have M2.1.6.03 already installed. What about the settings in CamGraba, is there something I’m missing, or something I should try?


    Yes, Please uninstall the Camgraba software and install the latest version found here —

    Please let me know if you have any further questions.

    Thank You


    The new version of the software works. It even recovers from the audio drops (thus far). We’ll see for how long. Thanks for you help!

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