I am 70 years old and my house caught on fire Christmas and now I have several people that have access to the key to my house. I live in a remote area and would like to monitor the area when I go to see my Grandkids.
I purchased two Pelco DX816-500, (16 ports and alarm ports), units from the University. They did not have the harddrive or software. I purchased the harddrives and softweare V2.0 and they should be here this week.
Can someone recommend what I will need to install 3 cameras outside and inside?
1. Where should I locate the unit
2. What type of cameras? Stationary,infered, color? Model nbrs please.
3. What type of cable is needed and ends recommended? Tools to attached the ends?
4. Can I access it on my IPHONE
5. Motion sensor to detect motion to start recording
6. Record Voice equipment?
How hard will it be to install the harddrive?I have some PC experience and have installed harddrives in them.
Got the system up and working with a new harddrive and software and with some defender cameras.
I have just purchased some used DOME cameras WREN 350A101P02 but the power supply adapter does not fit the 12V defender power supply. What do I need to get to use this camera?
Also got some Bullet GV-5-100AC and it has 12v on the back of the camera.
What power supply would I need to use these units?
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