Re: Geovision iPhone Application GV-iView


I am trying to get a previously working iphone 3g to view the camera's with gv iview, the only thing that is changed is there was a new version of software down loaded onto the computer at the site , don't know the software version but it is about 6 months old, the new version was installed last week.

I tried to download newest version of gv view to iphone 3g but it will not download onto the version of software onto the iphone.

I have another 4g iphone version 4.1 with GV view version

2.1.1 that connects fine

I know I have to update software in 3g iphone to latest available.

Is there an incompatability issue with old version GV view and new version of computer surveilance program ( sorry I don't have the version numbers in front of me for the computer surveilance program).