Re: Geovision iPhone Application GV-iView


Hello Mike,first apologize for my bad english. I'm from Indonesia. I have 2 DVRs system server each running with Capture Board GV-1480A 16ch.the software version is GV 8.3.4 installed on my both DRV servers. all i need to know. is it possible to view my DVR system remotely from external network 1 by 1 from my ipad?. is there any standard port i have to change on my 2 dvr server, so each time when i want to connect to server "A" or server "B" i just need to change the port/ip column at the iview app from my ipad. and what port should i need to forward in my router? which one is better, is it changing the "http standard port:80" or the "mobile standard port:8866"? thanks before.

Best regards
