Adding IP Cameras to a Geovision DVR Computer

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  • #31142
    Mike Haldas

    Here is recent chat transcript with a customer regarding a DVR setup:

    Customer: I was wondering if i purchased a 4 or 8 camera Geovision DVR computer package (PCPRO-GV4 for instance), can i also use that to connect additional IP cameras (if i have some Axis IP cameras to connect to it)? Would that work or what else would i need for that to happen?

    Customer Support: Hi Andrew, You would need to add a Geovision 3rd Party IP camera software License to the PC –

    Customer: Okay, perfect. I'll take a look at that – thank you for your help!

    Customer Support: Thank You – (be sure to check compatible camera models).

    Okay, yes i see that now that i just pulled that page up. Thanks for pointing it out!

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 12 months ago by Mike Haldas.
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