Defender HD 1080p Camera Compatible DVR

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  • #37939
    Mike Haldas

    I have a Defender HD 1080p DVR that is no longer working and I would like to know which video format it’s using so I can buy replacement DVR that is compatible with my existing Defender security cameras.

    The cameras are model HDCB1.
    The DVR is model HD2T16.

    This is a question that I recently received from a customer at CCTV Camera Pros. This was the recommendation that I gave to him.

    That Defender HD2T16 DVR is a 1080p over coax cable / BNC type DVR. I thoroughly searched for a detailed specification online to see which video standard it uses but I could not find any details on any of the specs that I found online. This is typical with many security manufacturers. Unlike us, they do not openly promote the video standards that their DVRs and cameras us, so that customers think that they need to buy only from them.

    Anyway, those cameras are most likely one of these three video formats: HD-TVI, HD-CVI, or AHD. 99% of the 1080p BNC DVRs on the market are one of these.

    Our Viewtron hybrid DVRs are compatible with all three of these video formats, and they work with analog CVBS, 720p, 1080p, 4mp, 5mp, and 8mp 4K security cameras. These are a great choice as a replacement for almost all BNC / HD CCTV DVR.
    hybrid security camera DVR

    You can see some video demos here that show the DVRs interface and remote viewing apps that are included.

    Being that the Viewtron DVRs work 4K security camera, you can later upgrade to these if you choose.

    Here is a 15% off coupon that you can apply to Viewtron DVRs and security cameras if you are interested: 15hybrid

    Please let me know if you have additional questions. I can be reached at

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Mike Haldas.
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