We recently had a customer contact CCTV Camera Pros with the following question:
What DVR cards do you sell that will allow remote viewing in a browser without ActiveX controls such as Safari or Firefox?
CCTV Camera Pros Response:
Yes our Alnet systems will work through Safari,Firefox and other browsers that do not use active x controls.Because Alnet systems do not rely on Active X controls, Alnet surveillance systems are Mac compatible for live remote viewing. Alnet systems use Java for live remote viewing which is built into Leopard and Snow Leopard Mac operating systems. As long as your computer has the latest version of Java installed, you can access Alnet systems remotely over the internet from a your computer. You can contact CCTV Camera Pros for additional info and demo.
I really need a help with this type of viewing , i configure all like in manual but when i type in my browser "my IP:9000" i dont have nothing.. i forward port 9000 9001
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