Please Ask CCTV Camera Pros AI Chat Bot a Question

We recently launched an AI chat bot on CCTV Camera Pros website. The goal is to train our chat bot with all of the great knowledge of the CCTV Camera Pros team. This will make it easier for customers and team members to get questions answered and find the sources of information on our website.

You can find the CCTV AI Chat Bot on this page:

AI Chat Bot

When you ask the bot a question, you will notice the “Where did the answer come from?” text below the answer. If you click on it, the bot will reveal the web page references for the information. Users can click on the sources to visit those web pages.

Please give the bot a try and ask it a question. Let us know how it works for you. Please keep in mind that we only started training our bot about a week ago. It will get better and better over time as it learns.

You can always reach me here if you have any comments or questions:

Thank You!