Export License Plate from Viewtron NVR

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  • #38864
    Mike Haldas

    To export a list of license plates from Viewtron IP camera NVRs, please follow these instructions.

    1. Insert a USB thumb drive into the NVR (front or back USB on the NVR will work fine)

    2. Navigate to START > INTELLIGENT ANALYTICS > Select VEHICLE > Now set the DATE , CAMERA and make sure EVENT is set to PLATE DETECTION

    3. Now you should see a list of all the plates captured, simply check the plates that you wish to export > Check BACKUP PICTURE > Click the BACKUP button

    This will export a .CSV with the plate info , time , date etc + a snapshot of the plate. I have attached an example of what is exported per plate selected.

    NVR license plate export

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Mike Haldas.
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