Help Needed – Password Reset

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  • #30966

    Hi I have a 4 channel DVR which was fitted to my pub about 3 years ago with recording to a VCR, I have know closed the pub and removed the system to use at home, the company who fitted the system has stopped trading.

    I am not sure of of the make of the unit but think it might be a JPEG DVR (see pics), the unit was fitted with a hard drive, the hard drive failed and removed and a VCR was connected to the unit.

    I am now fitting a new hard drive but a password was set by the installing company and has been forgoten by me. I have ben surching for the last week or so for the password rest admin log in for the unit and have failed.

    If anyone could point me in the right direction I would be most greatfull.

    The only markings on the unit are A401398 I assume is the modle number it is printed on the back of the unit and the circuit board, also on the cicuit board is DVR4E VER1.4

    Buttons from left to right

    Picture view X4 screen

    channel 1

    channel 2

    channel 3

    channel 4








    ENTER wth up, down, left & right






    Based on the pictures that you uploaded, I do not think that it is a JPEG2000 DVR, unless it is an older unit or a custom case made specifically for the distributor that supplied that one. Anyway, you can try these JPEG2000 stand alone DVR password reset instructions. If that does not work, you need to hunt down the password reset instructions for that particular unit. If you can not get in touch with who installed or sold you that unit, that may be difficult.

    Feel free to use our surveillance system support page also.

    Good luck and let us know if we can help you further.




    Hi Mike, I know its not the JPeg2000 model is there an older version or other Jpeg models that look like this one?



    I apologize but it does not look familiar to me. I did a Google search for the model # that you posted and I did nnot find anything except the message that you posted. I wish I could be more help.

    Please let us know if we can help in the future.




    Hi I had this same problem and searched the net for resets etc

    after trying alsorts I tried "1" and this worked !!

    Don't know if I had reset it but had not thought of a single number entry

    all I can say is give it a try

    when I got in the product ID had a number and that was all the info I got "22E-001935-139100-KR-000-001"

    you dont have any other makers info or manual details do you ??




    I have one too it is not a DVR4E it is a DVMR4E. The default Admin password is (1) one. The user default password is (2) two.I hope that if you still have DVMR-that this will help.

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