Here is how to back up video on the CCTV Camera Pros iDVR:
The video back-up process (on page 60 of the manual) on XP, Vista and Windows 7 computers is the same. When the back-up files are saved to the Flash Drive (or external drive) a Player application is automatically saved to the Drive as well. You must run the player application first (mcdPlayer), then select the file(s).
Here are the instructions I followed per the manual:
1. Insert a USB Memory Stick into the USB connection port on the front panel.
<Note> Make sure your USB device has enough space before commencing backup.
2. Press [BACKUP] button on the front panel to display the backup menu.
3. Use [-, +] button to change select device: USB Memory Stick.
4. Please select the data for BACKUP.
(1) NORMAL: Normal Recording Data
(2) ALARM: Alarm Recording Data
(3) MOTION: Motion Recording Data
5. Enter the numbers as required in 24-hour format, go to "Start" Button
6. Press [ENTER] button to start BACKUP.
* USB icon will be highlighted in blue during the backup.
� If there is not enough space on your USB memory stick, the system will not proceed with backup. The backup progress indicator will be displayed at the bottom of the window. While the system is in backup session, please do not perform playback.
7. After backup process is finished, USB icon will be highlighted in white.
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