Is an AI Security Camera System Really Better than Traditional CCTV?

Customers often ask us if an AI security camera system is that much better than traditional CCTV cameras, and why. If you are not familiar with security cameras with artificial intelligence software, please watch this video to understand the main difference when comparing them to a non-AI camera (CCTV or IP).

The main reason that the team at CCTV Camera Pros so highly recommend AI security cameras is because the reliability of object detection recording. It is so much more reliable than the motion detection recording provided by traditional CCTV camera systems and non-AI IP camera systems. Traditional security camera systems detect motion by comparing  the changes in pixels from frame to frame. This means that the system does not know the difference between a person walking and a tree blowing in the wind.

The object detection provided by AI security cameras can detect objects such as humans, cars, faces, and license plates with up to 99% accurate. Please watch the below video demonstrations that show some of the ways that AI object detection events can be setup. If you are reading this post in an email, the videos are not clickable, please view the article here.

Human / Person Detection

ai security camera person detection

Watch this video to see how I setup human / person detection in a certain zone of my driveway. This is the AI camera that I have installed there.

Vehicle / Car Detection Camera

AI security camera system

Watch this video to see the car / vehicle detection camera function that I setup at CCTV Camera Pros office.

Face Detection / Facial Recognition

facial detection software

Watch this video to see a demo of the face detection/ facial recognition AI software function.

License Plate Reader / Automatic Number Plate Recognition

ALPR software

Watch this video to see our Viewtron LPR camera and several non-LPR AI cameras working together to make the complete LPR / ANPR (license plate recognition / automatic number plate recognition) system used in the back of our warehouse. Please note that license plate recognition is not built into all Viewtron AI cameras. You can find our LPR camera and compete LPR systems here.

Auto-Tracking PTZ Camera with AI Software

auto tracking PTZ with AI car detection software

This auto-tracking PTZ camera has AI software built-in. Watch this demo to see it detect a car and track it autonomously 370 feet away.

4K AI Cameras

Several months after this article was originally written, CCTV Camera Pros released their 4K AI cameras.  Here are some video surveillance demos that we made with the 4K models.

Person Detection at Night with 4K AI Camera

4K AI security camera IR night vision

Watch this video to see our new 4K AI dome camera detect a human in complete darkness using the camera’s built-in RI night vision.

Daytime Human AI Detection with 4K Camera

4K Security Camera AI Software

Watch this video to see a demo or our new 4K bullet AI camera. Human object detection is enabled and an intrusion zone is setup around this car. When a human penetrates the intrusion zone, the NVR enabled video recording and bookmarks the event.

Need Help / Have Questions?

HD security cameras

You can learn more about all of our AI security cameras here. If I can help you with any questions related to this article or anything related to video surveillance systems, please email me here.

Video Surveillance Articles & Videos

Video Transcript

Good morning, everyone. Mike, from CCTV Camera Pros here. In this video, I want to talk about AI security cameras and what a game changer they are to the video surveillance industry.

What is an AI security camera? An AI security camera is a specialized network IP camera that has inference computer chip with artificial intelligence software built into it. That artificial intelligence software can detect objects such as cars, trucks, bikes, people, and humans faces. There are also specialized license plate recognition AI cameras that can detect license plates and automatically identify the numbers and letters of the plates.

So, we have a couple of AI security cameras mounted at the top of that pole right there and that’s actually an LPR camera mounted down below. The two AI security cameras up top, they monitor this back area and back of our warehouse here and I have those configured after hours to detect when vehicles and humans come through this area. Because, really no one has any business back here when we are closed coming through this area.

I have it so that it detects cars and humans and bookmarks those events on the recorder. So if we ever need to go back and see if someone was up to no good, it’s very easy to find those events. I’m not going to go into detail about it, I have another video that goes into detail, but that camera down below is a specialized AI camera. It’s a license plate recognition camera.

So before the advent of AI security cameras, let’s say those two cameras up top were not AI security cameras. They were traditional security cameras. Whether that be a coax camera or an IP camera, just a non-AI camera, they would be configured for video motion detection. So the problem with video motion detection is it basically looks at the changes in pixels of the video to determine if motion occurred. But the software doesn’t know the difference between me moving around back here and that tree blowing in the wind.

It also doesn’t know the difference when the camera turns to IR mode, black and white IR mode. And if you have experience with these systems, you know IR mode gets a little bit grainy sometimes like little noisy, that’s motion. So people get really frustrated with old traditional video mode detection, because there’s a whole bunch of false positives and people usually end up turning it off.

Since we started supplying our Viewtron AI security cameras, people have really moved over to them and it’s replaced the sales, the majority of our traditional security cameras because it works so well. They’re a little bit more expensive, but it works so well.

If you have any questions about any of this, feel free to reach out to me anytime. You could reach me at We also have a whole bunch of video demos online that show off the functionality of these AI security cameras. You can learn more about them and see all the demo videos at

Thank you for watching.